Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Magic Show

At 1:30pm Team 4 and Team 5 went to a magic show that happened last week on friday at school in the hall.  The magician did some funny magic tricks and everyone started to laugh.  It was fun. Emeline my friend, Emeline went up the stage and the magician did some tricks on Emeline and the whole crowd. When the magician was holding the wand it was straight but when Emeline was holding the wand it would just fall apart, everyone was laughing so hard that the magician kept doing funny tricks to Emeline. Willam went up the stage too, the magician put superhero clothes on and put some vitamin paper on the costume. Here are some vitamins that the magician said are vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin B3, vitamin C and many more vitamins. The magician got a rubix cube and it was mixed up, but when he put it in the blox and shaked it, he pulled out the rubix cube and it was solved! 

I really enjoyed how we learned about the 5 nutrients that are dairy, protein, grains, vegetables and fruits. My second favorite trick was when Emeline went up to the stage and she was doing magic tricks. My last favourite trick was when the rabbit came out of the cage. 

Written by Swaimah (Room 6 Literacy)

On a rainy day at Pt England school, Team 4 and 5 were going to the hall to watch the Magic Show. The show began and everyone started to clap and shout. During the magic show I actually loved 3 of the things he did. I loved the part when he threw that white long string and it was coming towards us. I was a little bit scared but then it was funny. I loved the part when he put the bird in a bucket and he turned it into a fluffy cute rabbit, it’s name was called Lollipop. I loved when he put random colours in a circle skinny bucket. When he did that hand magic he pulled the top of the colour and the colours turned into a colourful long fat string. All the other things that were a part of the magic show were actually cool too. When I first saw Lollipop (the rabbit) I wanted to hold him tight like it was my pet I haven’t seen in years. Some of them were funny. I saw that the birds were looking at us while watching him do magic stuff. I really enjoyed the magic show and hoped he would come back to do more magic. Finally the magic show finished and a brave boy came to say a good thank you for coming.

By Ema (Room 6 Literacy)

Saturday, 26 June 2021

Team 4 - Learning about the Earth

 This term, Team 4 has been learning about Planet Earth. Each class rotated for 5 weeks, learning about different parts that make up the Earth. Miss Tuiā taught us about Planet Earth, Mrs Lagitupu taught us about the Atmosphere, Mr Hughes taught us about the Biosphere, Mrs Siō taught us about the Hydrosphere, and Miss Parrant taught us about the Geosphere. We had so much fun learning about the different parts that made up Earth, as well as getting to know our Team 4 teachers better.

Watch this movie that Room 6 made for PENN about our learning!

Feel free to leave a positive comment, and visit the individual blogs of the learners in Room 6!

Saturday, 19 June 2021

Retell: The Māori Creation Story

The Māori Creation Story

Retold by Kolotita (in Room 8 at PES)

In the beginning, Papatuanuku earth mother and the Ranginui sky father loved each other. In between them lived their children but their children lived in darkness.  They were squished between their parents and never saw light. The children were furious.  The children had a meeting to discuss the separation, but Tawhirimatea and Rongomatane disagreed, they wanted their parents to stay together. The time came, Tane did a handstand and started to push Rangi and Papa apart, then his brothers started to join in. They pushed their parents apart. Tane was charged with covering his mother with all the beautiful greenery, and bird life. Tane became known as Tanemahuta the god of the forest. Rangi started crying down because he wanted to see he love Papatuanuku. His tears would make lakes, rivers, and seas. Tawhirimatea was not happy that his brother Tane had separated his parents and he stayed with his father in the sky. He became the god of the winds and the storms and rain. He would blow down his fury. Through what Tane did it allowed light and life came into the world.

Illustrated by Swaimah (in Room 7 at PES) and Miss Tuiā (teacher of Room 6 at PES):

Friday, 11 June 2021

Fiafia 2021

At Point England School on Thursday the 3rd of June, we had a special night. It was called fiafia. We loved fiafia. We dance our hearts out and it includes dancing, showing your moves, showing your cultures and supporting your cultures. My fiafia group was the Niuean group. The teachers in charge were Mrs Lagitupu and Ms Teleso. We wore a white string singlet and black shorts with a lavalava our song was Sipao.

Written by Tearoa (Room 6 Literacy)

Point England School had a Fiafia performance on Thursday the 3rd of June. A Fiafia night is about different cultures putting on a show to our Family and Friends. We usually have Fiafia every two years but because of Covid 19, we postponed last year's performance for this year. Some of the different groups include Hiphop, Tongan, Samoan, Cook island, Niuean, Kapa Haka, Bollywood, Myanmar, Choir, Jump Jam, Line dancing and Fijian.

I was in Middle school Hip Hop. My tutor was Miss Sio, Miss Tumahai and Miss Vili. We had to change in room 2. We Had to where blue or black Jeans white T-shirt and out hair- we had to do low ponytail and we also had to wear Hat’s. I really liked the Tongan dance because they were enjoying themselves on stage. I mostly loved the Junior Hip hop because they were going hard out and they were really good.

Written by Ema (Room 6 Literacy)

Friday, 4 June 2021

Samoan Language Week 2021

This week, our literacy class focused in on Samoan Language Week. We knew how important it was to celebrate the different cultures that make up our classroom.

Some facts that we know about Samoa are:

  • The population of Samoa is just below 200,000.
  • There are many villages around Samoa where families link themselves back to.
  • The colours of Samoa's flag is Red and Blue with white stars.
  • The tatau (traditional tattoo) represents the spiritual and cultural heritage of Samoa

Here are some facts from Ciannah:

Here is a bit of a task that our literacy class did this week (by Samuel):